
So, This little post is going to be an experiment.
Does my husband read my postings?
My bet- he won't read this (if at all) until sometime next week.
Meaning, I can spoil a surprise for him I have for next Tuesday night (our date night) by posting it here, IF he actually looked at it, he would find out ahead of time...
...if so, HE could turn it around on me and surprise me by adding something else to the dynamic.
My preference?
Buying me some nice Flowers.
However, if I win my bet (which is that he won't see this post until after the fact,) I win.
Which means I buy myself flowers.
So, either way, I get flowers.

This is a good plan.

The spoiler:
Okay, before I go into detail- you have to know that I basically sit in a government cube for 8 hours, two days a week.
Today's result?


A headache, mindless internet searching for "free stuff", and plans.
Here's the good news on the free stuff:
I currently have an umbrella with my "company"'s logo schmeared across a solid black umbrella- (not yet arrived of course), 3 free jump drives each consisting of a GB or so of space, a one-time free trial to "Vacationing" magazine, 3x5 canvas print of some random photo, some miracle tea from some rare mountain in China, and a $20 off coupon to McCormick and Schmick's...

So, the date will not be us sitting on a bench together under an umbrella with my companies logo on it, sipping tea while sifting through a vacationing magazine with jump drives in our pockets...

But, my plan is to surprise Paul with a nice dinner at McCormick and Schmicks, which will probably be the nicest dinner we've eaten since our Cruise... a $20 off coupon is a pretty sweet deal. If you're interested, click here.

This week has been mostly awful. Not like being in a war or a starving famine ravaged country. In fact, pretty good compared to that.
Well, now since I've said that, I'd better not complain. Okay.

So, on Saturday, I'm shooting a wedding... Very excited about that. Lisa Hamrick is joining me, so I'm looking forward to that as well...

(Picture of the Bride and Groom- Engagement pics I did for them)

On Sunday, we spent a very fun day with our friends Dana and Stan -In the end, we went to Cici's, and had at least a 2 hour conversation, on many topics, of course (looks at Paul), including McCain and Obama... They were represented by the Pearmesean Cheese and Spicy Pepper shakers- a visual model to help explain to each other where on the continuium their varying positions were staked... Paul is smelling out McCain...


To leave you with something not so disturbing...

A nice sweet picture of us on our honeymoon.

So, Honey, if you're reading this... plan around McCormick and Schmicks with something nice and fun, and surprising...

Everyone else: I'll let you know the outcome with pictures, words, etc. of this experiment...


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Meet The Author

Camilla EuDaly Barrett is a freelance photographer and designer with 6 years of expertise and 15 years of loving cameras and 'messing around' graphically on computers. By career she is a nationally certified Sign Language Interpreter.