Chocolate Raindrops

I just thought how cool it would be if elements of nature all of a sudden turned into candy.
Like Flowers. You could break off a petal, and suck layers of fruity goodness off of it.
Or you could wait for a ray of light to hit a puddle of water, and then you could catch the beam and it would taste like caramel I think. And then because it turned into candy as precisely the right moment in relation with the puddle of water, the water would become something complementary to the caramel.

This is different than Candy Land- don't even try to compare... It's more like stratums of dimensions of our world. And one is Candy.


Okay, I admit. I'm not "IN THE CUBE" today... But I have some time to kill. Actually, I don't like that expression. It's brutal.

I have some time to Think In Modalities of Emotion.

Dum, de dummm.... So I fixed tacos last night. And successfully cooked hamburger for the first time ever in my life. But, I decided that fixing meat is unhealthy, so I'm not going to ever buy anymore meat again unless its fish. I'm mostly vegetarian anyway. I just don't think it's worth it, and it makes you feel dead afterward, and frankly, quite gross.... so I don't think I'll be doing that often. I just feel so much MORE responsible NOT cooking meat. It's an interesting feeling, because, most of the time I'm okay with eating it. But I've proved my previous statements of deciding that I'll eat meat, I'm just not going to be buying it or cooking it. It really is just gross, dead and unhealthy.

So, I found this article online last week, as I was simultaneously 'working' my govm't job, and working for my own business.

I daylight. But I think I have permission.



  1. It's like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I would think that's what heaven is like. Breaking off petals and eating them b/c they are yummy. :)



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Meet The Author

Camilla EuDaly Barrett is a freelance photographer and designer with 6 years of expertise and 15 years of loving cameras and 'messing around' graphically on computers. By career she is a nationally certified Sign Language Interpreter.