Hmm... I thought I wanted to write, but now I don't have much to say.

Oh, yeah, I guess I can explain the picture.
Yes, it is of Danae... She was my model!

It's just supposed to represent time and that we get so caught up in tomorrow, that we don't take time to connect things that we've reflected on or thought of in a week, a month, a year... or more. I know that if I'm listening to the Holy Spirit, everything becomes relevant. My most frustrating/meaningless/busy days are those in which I do not take time to connect this present minute to a truth or revelation that was experienced in previous minutes weeks before. If I'm careful, I can more clearly see the progress and the plan and the specific thing that the Father is teaching me.
Anyway, I wanted most of that to be interpreted by whoever sees the piece. I did step out on a limb and decide to include the phrase "We often forget to look on our yesterdays" which, unfortunately, exposes the intent, but oh well. There are little things hidden in the layers- butterflies, things like that. Mostly, it was an experimental piece- something for myself... But I think a lot of people would have a sense of nostalgia looking at it, and maybe start to wonder what they've missed in the NOW because they look so far ahead. Make sense? Maybe not... Anyway...

...All of that to say... It's simply a piece of art. More like an experiment, but there is more of that where it came from! It's been one of the several times though, that I understand an artist's perspective, of "it's not finished" or "I'm still not satisfied with it".... I would maybe consider redoing it someday, but I felt pressed to put it together, and call it done. It communicates enough as it is.

Among the layers are:
Meaningful pictures of a Historic barn that has SEEN many things.
Waters from Loose Park, that I took on a very meaningful/blessed/wonderful time with my best friend...
Lace from my wedding dress...
Peacock feathers from my wedding...
A door in downtown Kansas City... that is just what I have stepped through...
Inspiration from a night sky, from a small place rooted deep in my heart...
Water drops photographed on a window screen, taken at a very pivotal time in a decision making process
Fairy dust from a Renaissance festival...
An unsleepable field calling me from my warm bed to photograph it now...
A girl in a dress that reminds me of long summers of escapades on a river far away....

...And many other things.

Yes, I am having a slow introspective day today. It is nice.
...Now only if it would rain...


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Meet The Author

Camilla EuDaly Barrett is a freelance photographer and designer with 6 years of expertise and 15 years of loving cameras and 'messing around' graphically on computers. By career she is a nationally certified Sign Language Interpreter.